Pizza without cheese, love without kiss.

Some people may say that they cannot live without cheese and I was one of them. Thinking in that person, the person who I was then, I thought “well, by now I would have scroll over this reading because if this is something that would make me consider to quit cheese I do not want to read it”. But when I ponder the scars I could have not have, Gosh! I just feel selfish for not sharing this. I just hope that a stubborn head (as well as mine was) read it and use it, so I will go straight to the point.

By “leaving” cheese and all dairy products I got rid of pimples for good and I realize that I was not breathing as well as I could. Because of these two major reasons I sleep better, this in turn made my morning rutine pain free, and that is how it started a domino effect of good consequences that made my days brighter. Now it is up to you to keep reading.

Long story short, I have a rough puberty. My acne was so serious that I was used as lab rat of my doctor for testing new treatments. We succeeded enough for me putting clothes on with no pain most days of the month, and I accepted that that was the way my life was meant to be.

One day I woke up with a rash. I was told that it was an allergy and I had to figure out what was causing it. I had to eliminate a lot of food groups (almost everything) from my diet until the rdaysash would disappear, and then started to add one group in every week to find out my reaction to each one. It turned out that it was not originated for any food, but I did discover a few things about my body that I do love to be aware of now.

  1. Everytime I eat or drink any dairy product, I wake up the next morning with stuffy nose. And if do this for two days in a row I get a pimple.
  2. I can eat gluten, but it is way harder to digest than the rest of the food for my system.

I said “leaving” before because I did not wipe out these products from my life. GOD knows I love pizza and ice cream and I do not like the fake stuff. Instead, I have learned when and how much of them I can eat to enjoy them keeping their effects on me under control.

I strongly recommend doing this experiment to everybody. It requieres time and effort but believe me it is worth. Everybody, and I mean literally every single body is different. Doctors can guide you because they have studied our human body for a many years but they are not soothsayers, and maybe you are not a textbook case.

Do not be like the old me. Do not waste your life getting used to dealing with health issues that everybody clasifies as minor if they lessen the happiness of your days. Pay attention to your body and give it some love.

PS. In case that you wonder, my rash was the way of my body to shout out that I had to take the stress down a notch. So, restricting my diet only made it worse. But once I became conscious of it, it vanished.

Todo pasa por algo y lo mejor es lo que pasa.

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